Double-Crested Cormorant

Double-Crested Cormorant (Phalacrocorax auritus) Appearance: brown-black feathers; black, webbed feet; gray, narrow, hooked beak; orange skin on face near beak; blue eyes; long neck that kinks in flight Breeding adults have white or black tufty feathers on head Males are slightly larger than females, but coloration is the same Height: 28-35 inches (about 2.5 feet)…

Great Cormorant

Appearance: black feathers, black webbed feet, pale beak, blue eyes, white patch on chin, breeding adults also have white patch on flanks under wings, neck kinked in flight Males and females look identical, except males are slightly larger and have slightly longer wingspan Height: 33-35 inches (about 3 feet) Wingspan: 51-63 (about 4.5-5 feet) Status:…