Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus)

Appearance: slate gray back, light yellow-white underside with stripes, yellow beak and legs, large curved claws, yellow hooked beak with black tip, gray head, yellow eye ring Females have similar markings to, but are larger than males Length: 14 to 19 inches (about 1.5 feet) Wingspan: 39 to 43 inches (about 3-4 feet) Status: seriously…

Common Tern (Sterna hirundo)

Appearance: in summer(left) black-capped head black eyes, orange beak tipped with black, pale grey back and belly; in winter(right) part of cap fades to white, beak, legs, wing’s edges become black, belly becomes white; long wings, forked tail No noticeable difference between males and females Length:12-15 inches (about 1 foot) Wingspan:30-32 inches (about 2.5 feet)…